A Confident & Capable Legal Team Dedicated to Your Future CONTACT US NOW

About FB3 Law

We’re committed to providing you with top-notch legal support and we approach every client with a focus on integrity, advocacy, and understanding.


Comprehensive Legal Support

Often, more than one area of expertise is required. With us, there’s no need to hire a multitude of attorneys. We can advocate for you in many areas of law.

Knowledge of Current Law

We are at the forefront of ever-changing laws and work closely with our clients to exceed client expectations. We have case managers available to help clients set up initial medical appointments.

Diverse Experience

We serve a wide range of clientele, and every client relationship is valued greatly. We are located in Philadelphia but practice in all neighboring counties and New Jersey.

Advantage of Client Referrals

We are proud that so many of our clients have referred our services to friends and family for counsel and representation, and we work hard to keep their loyalty every day.