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Animal Bites Attorney in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

When you or someone you care about has been attacked by a dog, cat, or another animal, you are forced to make some difficult decisions. You could be looking at extensive medical bills, an inability to work, or worse. To make the recovery process easier, it helps to consult with an attorney who has experience practicing animal bite law.

In the Greater Philadelphia area, local individuals and their families trust FB3 Law for quality legal representation. Our experienced professionals understand how devastating attacks from a vicious animal can be, which is why we work hard to ensure the rights of our clients are protected.

Recently Bitten by an Animal?

Animal Attack Lawyers On Your Side

Recovering from an animal attack is not easy. As much as we all love animals, we have to recognize that some of them are dangerous. An animal attack can cause permanent scarring, disability, and even wrongful death. Working with experienced animal attack lawyers can help you recover damages, and even prevent another attack like yours from happening.

Depend on our legal team to fight for you. We take the time to work with you, hearing out the details of your case. We’ll fight for the compensation you deserve.

Contact FB3 Law to schedule a consultation. We proudly serve Philadelphia, PA, and the surrounding area.